
Adventure of a Hot Air Balloon

Czech / English

Quido is a multimodal game that provides haptic feedback to the player. Changes of temperature help navigate the player to the target of the game. Changes of pressure warn of dangerous objects in player's vicinity.

Quido was created as a part of NaviTerier, a system that helps blind people to navigate in unknown environments. The game demonstrates the use of touch (heat and pressure) for delivering information that is vital for navigation and orientation in space.

Authors: Jan Balata, Kateřina Pražáková, Anna Kutíková, Miroslav Macík, Zdeněk Míkovec
Music and sound effects: Adam J. Sporka

Music game download at bandcamp.

Quido can be found at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction
on the third floor of the building E,
Karlovo naměstí 13, Praha

The image shows installation of the game, white box with a shelf on the right side with joystick and area with haptic feedback. Above the shelf there is a game display. On the image there is a small group of people playing Quido.